Sunday, September 18, 2011

what should i do?

i'm once again placed in two diverse route in which both are good in their own ways. the only thing for me to do is just to simply choose which route to take. what should i do? which path should i take? and if i do take this path, will everyone be understanding enough to give leeway? why is everyone telling me to keep to one particular path despite knowing that that path will require a lot more from me?

for the benefit of the reader, i'm in dilemma to stay as president in FPA or step down for the next yr. i want to step down because president here in uni is so different from one in poly and i'd like to keep life peaceful next yr so that smooth transition to Gerald's church may be commenced. that would also mean for me to prepare myself for the next phase of life that's coming my way in a few years time. in any case, stepping down allows other excos to step up and take the opportunity to experience leadership. after all, its student development we are talking about so therefore, it makes perfect sense for a movement of positions. in addition, i'll be entering my last semester next year where i'll be managing 5 modules instead of the normal 4. all 5 modules are project base and that requires a lot more time from me to focus on academics. therefore, the more i should let go of the president role so that i may focus on the last lap of school. however, my excos that i had encouraged to replace me somehow refused to step up and they would, at the most, take up VP. in fact, they wanted me to stay on another year to lead. likewise from the clubs i've once worked with, they would hope that i could stay on so that the clubs may continue to work together towards something huge. because of all this conflicting viewpoints, i consulted my parents and again, one would want me to stay on while the other suggest i step down due to the pile of work i have next yr. what should i do? what does God want me to do? this is indeed frustrating...

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