Wednesday, August 11, 2010

current committments

it used to be this amount of workload i was holding onto the past month, i suppose.
1. school work
3 individual assessments (all due in a month's time or less)
2 group assessments
2. production manager role
= 2yrs plan
= script training
film training
editing training
finally screening
+ FPA finance matters
+ sourcing out trainers for FPA workshops
3. committee member for church gospel camp in dec
4. church youth room decor i/c
5. currently enrolled in First Aid Course and there's exam next sunday!!!
6. will be involved in Chingay for SIM
7. Ambassador for FPA
= need to source out make-up artist
look for dress
have to maintain GPA!!! (i wanna cry already)


it's gonna be:
1. church committee gospel camp
2. church room i/c
3. accompanist for 4 violinists taking their grade 1, 2, 3 exam this week
4. piano teacher for 2 students (not confirmed yet)
5. monitoring the progress of scripwriting course
6. HMT & ER projects due soon, HRM due the week after.