was talking to lionel online on 5th june friday. the day when i was due for a family dinner in cathay astons. as you know, you gotta queue for nearly 2 hrs to get in there. and apparently, lionel knows all about it and drew me this illustration of the queue with the aston door there. its so exxagerated and retarded lo. whichever it is, i was totally dreading that to queue after my work. because i'll be queueing alone onece again. how sucky is that man...
and we went to the new building at orchard to check it out whats there to browse. sadly, most shops were still under renovation so there wasn't much to see. what a waste isn't it? =p oh well, at least we didnt waste the time loitering the shop, we started camwhoring at the 7 storey high escalator!!! hahaha.... scary ya know?
ok, we were walking around this new building at bugis on last tues. think it was the 2nd june. yup... so glad to meet carmen for dinner cuz i miss her pretty badly. and also, i just felt that it's lifeless working so much without having some fun at times. so i decided to do some pampering of myself as well. hee...
there was this one day that i was busy doing my job at work and then i decided to play a lil of facebook games. so i clicked restaurant city and find myself staring at gerald's character instead of the loading page. so i thought there was some error occuring and refreshed the page. but this pic kept appearing.. weird right. i contacted gerald about it and finally, finally entered the game. haha... weird, so weird
was walking around dhoby ghaut ps with my gor and found this shoes that i thought gerald might need them in cases of some occasions he gotta attend. as ya know, his shoes looks awful and it stinks crazily. so, since there's gss, might as well get it right? infact i thought it suited wai too. and at least i thought wai's fashion taste is better than gerald's
this is that fat baby we once called too pampered and was too fat for its own good. ya.. you can guess it. it's eileen's son and i kinda forgot his name for now.. don't know why.. =p
this is all taken to update cui on what has been going on in church. and i remembered about this fat baby that got me video-ed a short clip for you to see how playful he is now. haha...
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